Resource Finder
Resources for California Newcomers
There are numerous resources out there, but finding the ones you need, when you need them can be a daunting task. We've curated a list of the most helpful links and resources for California newcomers, and the caseworkers and community members who support them.
Use the filters below to find the best fit resources.
Apply for I-94, View Travel History, and Check Compliance
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Best for:
International travelers visiting the United States can apply for or retrieve their I-94 admission number/record (which is proof of legal visitor status), request travel history of their U.S. arrivals and departures, and check travel compliance.
Beauty Licensing Recognition in US
Community Member submitted resource
Best for:
Agency provides guidance for those with licenses in the beauty and spa industries from other counties in getting their certificates recognized in the US. Could save thousands of dollars in fees. Site offered in Russian and English
Benefits Eligibilty of Humanitarian Parolees from Ukraine, All County Welfare Directors Letter
California Department of Social Services
Best for:
Government Staff
This letter provides guidance to County Welfare Departments (CWDs) in determining eligibility for federal benefits for specific Ukrainian populations and other non-Ukrainian individuals who arrived in the United States (U.S.) due to displacement from the war in Ukraine and related urgent humanitarian reasons (“Ukrainian arrivals”). This letter also includes guidance regarding state programs Ukrainian arrivals may be eligible for and supersedes All County Information Notice (ACIN) 1-40-22 and ACIN I-40-22 Erratum.
California Tenants Rights & Responsibilities Guide
California Department of Real Estate
Best for:
What should a tenant do if his or her apartment needs repairs? Can a landlord force a tenant to move? How many days' notice does a tenant have to give a landlord before moving out? Can a landlord raise a tenant’s rent? This guidebook answers these questions and many others and provides an overview of the California laws that govern the landlord-tenant relationship.
Commonly Used Immigration Documents
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Best for:
Examples of commonly used immigration documents, including Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card (Green Card), Refugee Travel Document, Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Card, I-94 Arrival/Departure Record, and others.
Community Legal Aid in Southern California
Community Legal Aid SoCal
Best for:
Service Providers
Community Legal Aid SoCal provides free workshops and clinics on a variety of civil legal topics, including family law and eviction defense. Visit to learn more about their services, free workshops, and clincis.
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
California Department of Community Services and Development
Best for:
CSBG agencies provide services ranging from food assistance to employment training, education services, housing assistance, emergency services, and more. Program eligibility is based on federal income guidelines and assistance may be provided to eligible low-income families and individuals that qualify. Visit to find an agency in your local area and apply for services.
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) - Sacramento
Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA)
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
CSBG agencies provide services ranging from food assistance to employment training, education services, housing assistance, emergency services, and more. Program eligibility is based on federal income guidelines and assistance may be provided to eligible low-income families and individuals that qualify. Visit to find an agency in Sacramento and apply for services.
Correcting Info on I-94, CBP Deferred Inspection Sites
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Best for:
Find your nearest Deferred Inspection Site. There are over 70 Deferred Inspections Sites throughout the United States and the outlying territories. These sites provide assistance to those individuals who at the time of entry into the United States were scheduled for a deferred inspection or believe that the documentation and corresponding endorsements issued at the port of entry require review and possible correction. The Deferred Inspection Site staff is also available to review and issue the necessary documents to remedy errors recorded on arrival documents issued at the time of entry to the United States.
Discounted Phone and Internet Services through Lifeline
California Public Utilities Commission
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
The California LifeLine Program (California LifeLine) is a state program that provides discounted home phone and cell phone services to eligible households. Viist to learn more about the types of discounted services available and see if you qualify.
Eligibility of Ukrainian Nationals for Federal and State Benefits
California Department of Social Services
Best for:
Government Staff
ACIN I-40-22: This letter provides County Welfare Departments with information regarding the arrival of Ukrainian citizens and nationals and these individuals’ eligibility for federal and state benefits and services, including California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids, Housing and Homelessness Programs, Refugee Cash Assistance, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, CalFresh, and California Food Assistance Program.
Employment Authorized Document (EAD) for Afghan and Ukrainian Parolees
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Best for:
Nov. 21, 2022, USCIS announced that Ukrainian and Afghan parolees with certain classes of admission are employment authorized incident to their parole. Visit for more information and related forms.
Find Financial Assistance for Rent Hardship and other Housing Resources
Legal Help FAQs
Best for:
Service Providers
Find local resources for your housing issues in your state. You can find legal aid groups to call for help. You can see what rental assistance programs may help you. Or you can use tools to write letters or file court documents to protect yourself.
Find a Local Foodbank
California Association of Food Banks
Best for:
Food banks work with their local communities to ensure that everyone has access to healthful foods. See a list of Food Banks throughout California, by county, who provide food assistance to eligible individuals and households.
Find a Local Foodbank (CDSS)
California Department of Social Services
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
Food banks work with their local communities to ensure that everyone has access to healthful foods. See a list of Food Banks throughout California, by county, who provide food assistance to eligible individuals and households.
Food and Nutrition Assistance for Women with Children
California Department of Public Health
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
The California Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program is a food and nutrition program for growing families. The program provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, benefits to buy healthy foods, and referrals to health care and other community services. Visit to learn more.
Free Tax Filiing in California with United Way
United Way
Best for:
If your 2023 household income was less than $66,000, United Way can help you maximize your refund and save you an average of $200 in tax preparation fees – all through a safe and secure process. Visit to find out if you quality and get started filing.
Get Help Paying your Energy Bills
California Department of Community Services and Development
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) may be able to help you pay your energy bill. LIHEAP is a federally funded program that helps low-income households pay for heating or cooling in their homes. Visit to learn more about eligibility and contact your local LIHEAP agency.
Get Money for Food
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
Online application for CalFresh--California's food stamps (SNAP) program. Apply online. Your county will call you within a week or two for an eligibility interview. If approved, you will get an EBT card for groceries within 10 days. EBT cards work in most food stores and farmers’ markets.
Household Water Assistance Program
California Department of Community Services and Development
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
The Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) provides financial assistance to low-income Californians to help manage their residential water utility costs. This federally funded program helps low-income households pay down their residential water or wastewater bills. Visit for more information about how LIHWAP can help your household pay down your water or wastewater bills and how to apply.
Housing Assisstance for Ukrainians Program, RPB
CDSS Refugee Programs Bureau (RPB)
Best for:
The Housing Assistance for Ukrainians (HAU) program was created to support the transition of recent Ukrainian arrivals and non-Ukrainian individuals displaced from Ukraine to long-term housing in California. HAU provides direct housing and utility assistance and housing support services to eligible households through partnerships with eight refugee-impacted county leads. Visit to learn more.
How to Recieve Free Health Screening
California Department of Public Health
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
The Refugee Health Assessment Program (RHAP) is a free medical exam that includes tuberculous (TB) testing and vaccines. The exam also covers vaccines that are needed for green card applications. The exam is open to newly arrived refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, Special Immigrant Visa holders, and humanitarian parolees from Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, and Ukraine. Visit for more information and a list of clinics.
Introduction to Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
Employment Authorization Document (EAD), is a card issued to you by USCIS. It allows you to work legally in the US during an authorized period. To apply for an EAD, you must fill out Form I-765 with USCIS. Visit to learn more about Employment Authorization, the documents you will need, and how to apply.
Introduction to Health Insurance
Nova Ukraine
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
Healthcare in the U.S. is very expensive; therefore, having health insurance is critical. Upon arrival in the U.S., you should obtain health insurance as soon as possible. This page describes health insurance options available to Ukrainians.
Introduction to Social Security Numbers (SSN)
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
A Social Security Number (SSN) is an identification number assigned to every U.S. resident for life. Your identity and financial history in the U.S. are tied to this number. Visit to learn more about Social Security Numbers and how to apply.
Letter Regarding Eligibility Date for Afghan Populations and Additional Acceptable Immigration Documentation Requirements
California Department of Social Services
Best for:
Government Staff
This letter provides County Welfare Departments with updated information regarding an extended eligibility date for Afghan Humanitarian Parolees and additional acceptable immigration documentation for Afghan arrivals.
Loans & Financial Education
Center for Economic Opportunity
Best for:
The Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO) offers financial coaching and small loans tailored to meet the practical needs of working families and new Americans. CEO specializes in making flexible, affordable consumer and microenterprise loans to borrowers with little access to traditional financing. Visit to learn more about CEO's loans, including auto, credit building, and immigration loans.
Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No.: I 22-16
California Department of Health Care Services
Best for:
Government Staff
The purpose of this Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter (MEDIL) is to provide clarification regarding the documents typically provided to Ukrainians arriving in California, and the related Medi-Cal and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) eligibility for this population.
Public Benefits for Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees (UHPs)
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
Best for:
Are you a Ukrainian individual, or non-Ukrainian individual who last habitually resided in Ukraine, who has been granted humanitarian parole? You may be eligible for federal “mainstream” (non-ORR funded) benefits, such as cash assistance through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), health insurance through Medicaid, and food assistance through Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). You may also be eligible for cash assistance, medical assistance, employment preparation, job placement, English language training, and other services offered through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). This document focuses on the benefits and services funded by ORR.
Re: Parole Process for Certain Afghan Parolees and the Extension of Parole Period for Certain Ukrainian Parolees: ACIN No. I-49-23
California Department of Social Services
Best for:
Government Staff
This letter provides County Welfare Departments (CWDs) with information on the extensions of parole for certain Afghan parolees and certain Ukrainian parolees.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
California Department of Social Services
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
RCA is a cash assistance program for refugees who are not otherwise eligible for any other cash aid. RCA also includes employment and other social services to assist a refugee in becoming self-sufficient. Visit to find out more and apply online.
Refugee Health County Clinics
California Department of Public Health
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
Provides a list of all Refugee Health Clinics in California. The Refugee Health Assessment Program (RHAP) provides a free comprehensive health assessment to newly arrived refugees, asylees, victims of severe forms of human trafficking (federally certified), and other eligible entrants such as Special Immigrant Visa holders and those granted humanitarian parole from Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, and Ukraine.
Refugee Resettlement Agencies (RAs) assisting Uniting for Ukraine Arrivals in California
California Department of Public Health
Best for:
Visit for a complete list of Resettlement Agencies (RAs) assisting Uniting for Ukraine Arrivals in California. Agencies are listed by county and provide contact details.
Requirements for a California Driver's License
California Department of Motor Vehicles
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
A California driver’s license (DL) is a card which grants permission to an individual to operate a motor vehicle. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) provides guidance on how to apply for, renew, or replace a driver's license.
Resolving Landlord/ Tenant Issues in Orange County
Fair Housing Council of Orange County
Best for:
Service Providers
The Fair Housing Council of Orange County provides counseling concerning housing rights, obligations and laws, and answers questions about the rights and obligations of landlords or tenants. Visit for frequently asked questions, or to connect with a trained counselor to resolve any landlord/tenant disuptes.
Resource Guide for Ukrainian Newcomers - English
California Department of Social Services
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
CDSS's Resource Guide provides a helpful overview for Ukrainian Newcomers, covering topics including Social Security, School Enrollment, Medical Care, Housing, Driver's License, Public Charge, Legal Aid, and Public Assistance Benefits.
Revision of All County Welfare Directors Letter
California Department of Social Services
Best for:
Government Staff
This erratum letter provides County Welfare Departments with a revision to Attachment B of the All County Welfare Director’s Letter dated July 6, 2022, regarding benefits eligibility for humanitarian parolees from Ukraine.
Translation and Interpretation Services
Best for:
Tajimly offers free and affordable remote interpretation and translation services to non-profit organisations, humanitarian volunteers, social workers, and direct to refugees and immigrants. Tarjimly's free mobile app connects multi-lingual volunteers direct to those in need of language assistance.
Troubleshooting: Extension Not yet received for Ukrainians Paroled into the US
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
For Ukrainians Paroled into the US who have not yet received their extention, complete this USCIS Form. Select Topic: “I-94/ Traveler Compliance” and Applicable Issue: “Ukrainians Paroled into US - Russia Invasion”.
Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees Eligible for ORR Benefits and Services: Policy Letter 22-13
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
Best for:
Government Staff
The purpose of this policy letter (PL) is to inform ORR grantees that as of May 21, 2022, the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 (AUSAA) authorizes ORR to provide resettlement assistance and other benefits available for refugees to specific Ukrainian populations and other non-Ukrainian individuals in response to their displacement from Ukraine and entry into the United States.
Uniting for Ukraine
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Best for:
Uniting for Ukraine provides a pathway for displaced Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members who are outside the United States to come to the United States and stay temporarily for up to two years. Visit this page for more information on how to apply, eligibility requirements, and what to expect.
What to do about Housing Discrimination
CA Civil Rights Department
Best for:
Service Providers
The California Civil Rights Department (CRD) is responsible for enforcing state fair housing laws that make it illegal to discriminate against or harass someone because of a protected characteristic, such as their gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion. The law also requires reasonable accommodations for disabilities and prohibits retaliation against someone for exercising their rights. Visit to learn more about what discrimination looks like, available remedies, and the complaints process.
myMedi-Cal: How To Get the Health Care You Need (in Ukrainian)
California Department of Health Care Services
Best for:
UHPs & Sponsors
Online guidebook, in Urkainian. “My Medi-Cal: How to Get the Health Care You Need” tells Californians how to apply for Medi-Cal for no-cost or low-cost health insurance. You will learn what you must do to qualify. This guide also tells you how to use your Medi-Cal benefits. It tells you when to report changes.